The Bankledger

In this section we will discuss the bankledger and the associated functions.

The bank book is the place where you find unallocated payments, and can go to manually allocate, delete, or manually allocate payments.

If you use the structured communication on your sales documents, as well as when entering payment for your purchase documents, the transactions are automatically linked to the correct document.

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1. Bankledger

Summary of transactions in the linked bank account, both positive transactions and negative transactions.

Date: The date the payment was received.

Account info: IBAN, BIC and account holder information.

Description/OGM: The free communication or structured communication of the transaction. Go Getter will attempt to identify the payment based on this description.

Tags: You can tag transactions, to retrieve certain transactions faster, or group certain things together.

Status: There are 3 statuses:

  • Not assigned: The payment cannot be automatically linked to a document, and must be processed manually. If the payment is not relevant to the administration, the payment can also be deleted via the action menu, available behind the 3 dots (4).
  • Partially assigned: The payment cannot be fully linked to a document. That is, the document is linked, but there is still an outstanding amount to be linked to another document. This allows one payment to be linked to multiple documents and vice versa. You can further assign this payment in a manual way.
  • Fully Assigned: The payment is linked to one or more documents for the full amount. It will also no longer appear in the bank book in this case, but will appear in the history of income and expenses.

Amount: The amount of the payment.

2. Amounts still to be allocated

Partially allocated payments clearly state the amount that still has to be allocated manually. This allocation is best done via the Action menu (4).

3. Add manual payment.

This function allows you to add a new manual payment to your bank book.

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  1. Via the + and - you can indicate that it is about incoming or outgoing payment.
  2. Here you add the amount of the payment.
  3. Here you add the date of the payment.
  4. Here you add the method of payment. In the drop-down menu from different payment methods.
  5. Here you choose between a structured message or a free comment.

4. Action menu

Clicking on the three dots takes you to the action menu. This shows the various actions you can perform on payments. For unallocated payments, there are 3 possible actions:

  • Assign documents: You can link the payment to all existing documents.
  • Edit payment : Here you can change the payment amount and payment methods. You can also add a note.
  • Delete payment: If the payment is not relevant to administration, it can be deleted here.

Note: For partially allocated payments, it is not possible to delete the payment. As the amount is already partially linked to a document, this means that the payment is relevant for administration.

If you still wish to delete the payment, it is necessary to disconnect the document already linked.