Invoices: expenses

For a list of all your incoming invoices, select the "Documents" section from the menu.
Then click on "Invoices" in the expenses section.

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You will then see a list of all your incoming invoices that you have uploaded via the Go Getter expenses app or that you sent with the unique e-mail that we gave you. You can sort this list by clicking on the name fields in the table.

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When you click through on an invoice, you are taken to the corresponding invoice card. Here you have an overview of all possible information about the invoice in question.
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  • For example, you can immediately request a PDF preview of the invoice.
  • You can then mark the invoice as paid by clicking the "Pay" button at the top right.
  • You can also download the invoice as a PDF by clicking the "Download" button.
  • The last button "Block" ensures that the document is blocked for payment.