
How to link with Clearfacts.

Discover Clearfacts, the ultimate collaboration tool for accountants and their clients. ClearFacts' Booking Factory streamlines document delivery and processing with automated booking proposals that can be easily approved. 


  • Digitize your invoice delivery securely with ClearFacts Cloud. Enjoy 24/7 access to encrypted document storage.
  • Improve Invoice Booking Efficiency: ClearFacts' Booking Factory and online management module provide file managers with the ability to validate or adjust automatic booking suggestions. These proposals can be integrated into your trusted accounting software upon validation. To handle additional documents like contracts, repayment tables, and policies, ClearFacts' user-friendly online management module offers an effortless solution.
  • Improve your business insights with ClearFacts' customer portal, providing convenient access to all processed documents and records. With real-time data and key figures displayed on the dashboard, entrepreneurs and SMEs can stay informed about their performance without waiting for quarterly results or year-end closures. Plus, with shared access to the same information, both accountants and entrepreneurs can stay up-to-date together.

Clearfacts' integrations:

  • Winbooks
  • Wings
  • Exact Online
  • Adsolut
  • Wolters Kluwer - Expert/M Plus
  • Sage BOB

With its open API, Clearfacts offers the opportunity to seamlessly integrate with other accounting software packages.

Establish the connection:

Clearfacts provides an open API that is accessible to all users, partners, and app developers. To connect to the API, a token is required, which can be generated manually or through OpenID Connect.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a personal token:

  1. Log in to the accountant module as an accountant user.
  2. Click on your profile located at the top right corner and choose "integrations."
  3. Locate the "New token" button and click on it.
  4. Give a descriptive name to your token.
  5. Select the scopes that you wish to assign to your token.
  6. Click on the "Save" button.
  7. A message window will display the newly created token. Make sure to copy it since it will be shown only once.

It is crucial to treat tokens with the same level of security as passwords. If you lose your token or suspect it might have been compromised, delete it immediately and generate a new one.

For more information about Clearfacts, click here

For more information about the connection with your digital mailbox, click here